Just me and GOD

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

9 Ingredient of Love

Many talk about it, many think they know what it is, many have not experienced a bit of Love and many think Love doesn't exist! *sighs*

1corinthians 13 reflects everything about LOVE and Christ has expressed the true meaning of Love to us.

Love is patient: It has no hurry, believes, hopes, and endures all things.
Love is kind: it doesn't act rashly or insolently.
Love is generous: not envious or jealous.
Love is humble: no parade.
Love has courtesy: does not behave unseemly; always polite; never rude or discourteous.
Love is unselfish: never selfish,sour, or bitter, does not retaliate or seek revenge.
Love has good temper: never irritated, never resentful.
Love is righteous: hates sin, never glad when others go wrong.
Love is sincere: never boastful and conceited; not a hypocrite; always honest.

 Before you say I Love you to someone (lol) have it in your mind that your saying I will provide to u all the ingredients of Love to u.
We are called to LOVE, for without Love we are nothing and all we do without Love is vain.

JESUS Loves You, I Love You...hahahaha see you around.


Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church shared her salvation story. 

When I was little, my dad lifted me to the ceiling like this. He gave my sister and I breakfast in bed every day of our lives till the day he died. He only displayed kindness and generosity. He let me fall asleep in his arms every night. When he died my world momentarily ended. Five months later a friend invited me to church...

I sensed GOD'S presence, I heard Him knock on the door of my heart, and I made Him my Lord. Some struggle with the fatherhood of God. I never did because I understood the perfect love of an earthly father, enabling me to receive with ease the love of a Heavenly Father.

Don't let the failings of this world rob you of the wonder and blessing of all He has for you. Yes, its true - Salvation comes with faith. You step beyond what you know, into what He knows and discover who you really are... a son or daughter of the Most High, created in His image, capable of greatness, destined for a world beyond this.


Her salvation story revealed the importance of God's presence in our lives. His presence changes everything about us.

Thank you GOD!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Knot your tie yourself

Ok! Ok! Ok! You don't know how to knot a tie, don't be ashamed about it, its as easy as Algebra.
 Let me help you out:

 1) As with all tie knots: Flip up your collars,button the town button and Lay the tie around your neck. The wide end of the tie should hang about 5-6 inches Lower than the narrow end, and the inside of the tie should have your body.

 2) Loop the wide end of the Tie through the gap between neck and neck tie.

 3) Pull the wide end of the tie back over to the front. Put it slightly tight. Then,take behind the narrow end of the tie.

 4) Wrap the wide end of the neck lace back over the front of the narrow end. Don't pull tight but create a loop at the front of the unfinished knot.

 5) Just like you did in step #2, pull the wide end of the tie in between your collar and the tie. Then, pull the wide end through the loop you created in step #4.

 6) Give the half windsor knot a final adjustment and flip down your collars.

a Tie speaks Confidence


We are human beings, yes we get to talk sometimes about what people do and how people behave and we talk! talk! talk! And totally forget who we are and what we supposed to do.
So many people have become professionals in giving out critics to what people do.  No matter how foolish an invention may be...Just because You took a bold step and did it, You are a genius. Don't worry soon people would recognise your foolishness as success. Don't forget GOD uses the foolish things of the world to conform the wise.

 Back to us we talkative's! we all are created by GOD for a purpose, that means you and i have something great in us than just we talking except your greatness is to be a public speaker or a speaker in one way or the other (that's by the way). We all are creative inside us, we have to realize who we are, and the only way to do this is to get closer to GOD. He is our Creator. To discover yourself, you have to meet the Creator not the creation.

 We all have gifts and talents, we all are creative inside but not everyone knows this.
 Discovering your creative Side is the sweetest thing that can happen to You.
 The World is waiting to see YOU!


Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to GOD-Hebrews 13:16

 The most wealthy man in this world is the man who has a Little and is willing to share it.
 Do not say I am poor I can't help that Woman.
 Do not say I am poor I can't help that child.
 Do not say I am poor I can't help that man.
 The more we complain about our situation or circumstance, the more we remain in one spot. If you have #100 and cannot give #50 out of it, have it in mind that you can't give #10000 out of #1000000.

 Giving is one of the ways we can please GOD and help our humanity. We really don't have to wait until we are the richest folks in the world, with the little we have, let's help as much as we can.
 You could visit the less privilege home and donate as little as we can. Each time you give, you get a blessing not only from GOD but you just made someone smile...that's a blessing too.

 1john 3:17 "But if anyone has the world's good and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's Love abide in him?


Monday, 12 August 2013


Shocking but true! From my analysis 35% of Men do not take care of their socks, reasons I am yet to find out... A sock is an item of clothing worn on the feet.

The feet is among the heaviest producers of sweat in the body (is someone surprised?)..well its True.
Each foot can produce a pint of sweat a day. Most men don't care whether their socks fir them properly, whether they go well with their shoes or outfit or whether they are clean and without HOLES!

Your socks could be the clinching factor in creating a great impression with your boss, close friend or your Girl!!
Never wear torn! stained or worn-out socks. A socks goes for a day. If you are too lazy to do your laundry everyday-No hassles! Make sure that you have at least 10pairs if socks for each day of the week,plus extras for sports and outings.

Clean socks prevents your feet from smelling and Gives you confidence!
As from today "Your Socks Defines who You are"